aston martin Printeaza ,

Senzori Toyota Lexus PMV-C210

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Pacific Clamp-in Fixed Angle ver 1 433MHz

Pacific  42607-02030, 42607-02031, 42607-30070, 42607-42020, 28103-CA101, SU003 05268, 42607-42021, 4045

TPMS Sensor Aston Martin / Lexus / Subaru / Toyota PMV-C210, 42607-02030, 42607-02031, 42607-30070, 42607-42020, 28103-CA101, SU003 05268, 42607-42021, 4045

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  • Disponibilitate: In stoc. Livrare imediata
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Senzori Toyota Lexus PMV-C210

Senzori presiune Toyota Lexus PMV-C210

Sistem TPMS (sistem de monitorizare presiune in anvelope):

Sistemul anunţa şoferul dacă presiunea aerului dintr-o anvelopă scade cu mai mult de 20% faţă de valoarea standard specifică anvelopei şi vehiculului, sau dacă presiunea anvelopei scade sub 1,5 bar, considerată ca valoare minimă.

Această avertizare îi va permite şoferului să oprească în siguranţă şi la timp pentru a preîntâmpina apariţia unor situaţii potenţial periculoase.


Aston Martin Cygnet (from 2011-04 to 2014-10)


Auris (from 2012-12 to 2018-10)

Avensis (from 2008-10 to 2019-06)

Aygo (from 2014-07 to 2022-03)

Camry (from 2012-01 to 2017-08)

Corolla (from 2007-10 to 2018-06)

FJ Cruiser (from 2006-05 to 2016-12)

Hilux (from 2009-01 to 2023-06)

IQ (from 2008-11 to 2017-03)

Land Cruiser 200 (from 2009-01 to 2015-08)

Prius (from 2009-04 to 2021-10)

RAV 4 IV (from 2013-02 to 2018-12)

Sequoia (from 2008-02 to 2021-12)

Sienna (from 2010-06 to 2021-04)

Tundra (from 2007-04 to 2022-01)

Urban Cruiser (from 2008-12 to 2016-10)

Venza (from 2009-04 to 2017-05)

Verso (from 2009-02 to 2018-10)

Yaris (from 2011-08 to 2020-07)


CT (from 2011-02 to 2021-06)

ES (from 2012-09 to 2018-09)

ES (from 2018-10 to 2019-02)

GS (from 2012-03 to 2019-09)

GX (from 2010-03 to 2023-03)

IS III (from 2013-05 to 2020-09)

LC (from 2017-05 to 2025-03)

LS (from 2013-01 to 2017-11)

LX (from 2013-01 to 2015-08)

NX (from 2014-09 to 2021-06)

RC (from 2014-11 to 2021-06)

RX (from 2009-04 to 2015-11)

Senzori Toyota Lexus PMV-C210

Pacific Clamp-in Fixed Angle ver 1 433MHz

Pacific  42607-02030, 42607-02031, 42607-30070, 42607-42020, 28103-CA101, SU003 05268, 42607-42021, 4045

TPMS Sensor Aston Martin / Lexus / Subaru / Toyota PMV-C210, 42607-02030, 42607-02031, 42607-30070, 42607-42020, 28103-CA101, SU003 05268, 42607-42021, 4045

Definitie TMPS:

Direct TPMS, or direct tire pressure monitoring systems refers to the use of a pressure sensor directly mounted on the wheels or tires of a vehicle. The pressure is measured using a pressure transducer with the pressure information being sent to the vehicle to warn the driver of under or over inflation. The pressure information is commonly transmitted to the vehicle using radio frequency technology.


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